Welcome! 🤠

My name is Kat! This website is a creative inquiry into the topic of dime novels, with a specific focus on the 1860 - 1900 boom in pulp fiction Westerns.

The point of this research is to help further my understanding of pop culture in the Gilded age, and also to familiarize myself with the process of writing, printing, and selling dime novel and nickel weekly Westerns. The story I'm working on currently will see the full impact of my research done here through its main character, a dime novel writer herself. I hope that my work here will allow me to make her and the characters surrounding her more authentic!

Cover of an old Buffalo Bill dime novel.

For some basic information on this topic, please navigate through the tabs About, Archive, Tropes, and My Work. To look at my more in-depth research on the topic, please scroll down and look under Recent Posts.

I hope you enjoy your stay!